List of Plant's

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1 2024-09-20 00:09 कळलावी

A glabrous climbing shrub with tuberous roots. Leaves opposite, sessile ending with tendril like spiral structure. Flower large, showy, axillary, remain on plant for about 7 days. Perianth linear lanceolate, variously wavy, greenish when young, turning orange, scarlet to crimson. The wavy, curly margins of 6 tepals with fiery colors make flower look like burning flame. The flowers are presented as upside down. Flowering and Fruiting: August–October

2 2024-08-26 14:56 -

Monoecious shrubs; branches often dark, purplish brown. Leaves elliptic-orbicular, variously mottled with shades of red and purple. Male flowers in clusters along drooping spikes, 1-7 together. Female flowers solitary on erect spikes.  Flowering and Fruiting: Almost throughout year.  Native of Fiji Islands, grown in gardens. 

3 2024-09-20 00:02 -

It is large tree. Bark is dark coloured and scabrous. A plant can be identified by long coriaceous leaves, oblong in shape, lamina glabrous, shining; petiole black to purple in colour. Fruits are large, smooth, turns yellow when ripe. Flowering and Fruiting: March to May.

4 2024-08-24 13:19 --

A tree with yellowish bark, flaking in papery skin; branches dense, spreading. Leaflets bipinnate, subsessile, rhachis pubescent, usually with a cup-shaped gland between each pair of pinnae. Flowers in large terminal tomentose panicles; heads numerous, globose. Pods thin, flat, curved with pale brown tomentum. The bark is used for distillation of local spirit.

5 2024-08-28 13:55 --

Herbaceous, erect or procumbent, sometimes climbing on bushes; stem much branched, obtusely quadrangular. Leaves 2.5–6.0 x 2–4 cm, ovate elliptic, base usually rounded or subcordate, rarely acute, apex acute, dark green. Capsules 2.5–3.0 cm long with solid base, clavate, pointed, pubescent, usually constricted about the middle of the enlarged part. Seeds 4, c 0.5 cm across, tuberculate. Flowering and Fruiting: November–April.

6 2024-09-19 23:47 --

A large evergreen tree. Leaves broadly ovate to elliptic, coriaceous, nerves distinct beneath, secondary veins 10 pairs. Fruit echinate, globose. Flowering occurs during months of January to February

7 2024-09-20 08:07 --

Perennial herbs; bulbs long with stout neck. Leaves sword-shaped, linear-oblong, apexobtuse or subacute. Scapes compressed, stout. Bracts 2, membranous. Perianth white, lobes decurved. Filaments green; anthers linear, orange-brown.

8 2024-09-24 05:49 --

Climbing shrubs. Leaves alternate, digitate, crowded at the ends of branches; leaflets 3-7, elliptic-oblong, coriaceous. Flowers in terminal branched panicles, the branches numerous, 8-12-flowered umbelules. Stamens 5, style absent. Fruits 5-angled, 5-celled.  Flowering and Fruiting: March–July 

9 2024-09-24 13:10 --

The species is native of colombia, Bolivia and Brazil. Shrub. Leaves elliptic, variegated, veins yellow, lamina green. Flowers tubular yellow. Calyx red cupular.

10 2024-09-19 23:58 African garcinia

The species is native to tropical Africa. It is considered of medicinal value. The plants grows as evergreen moderate height shrub. 

11 2024-09-19 23:01 African milk tree

It has an upright stem and number of branches that also grow upward. The stem and branches can have two or three sides. The stem itself is dark green with V-shaped light green patterns. The drop shaped leaves grow from between the two thorns on each ridge.  

12 2024-09-17 13:09 Air potato, Kadu Karanda

It is a perennial climbing plant. Leaves are glabrous, cordate, prominently veined. The stems twine left-handed and produce aerial axillary bulbils. The plant is often cultivated in tropical areas, mainly for its edible aerial bulbs, though also for its roots.Dioscorea bulbifera bulbils are used in the treatment of Piles, dysentery, syphilis, ulcers, cough, leprosy, diabetes, asthma, and cancer. Flowering and Fruiting: July–October

13 2024-09-20 14:39 Allspice

This tree is native to South Mexico to Central America, Caribbean. It is well known among plant enthusiasts as “Allspice plant”. The leaves of plant may smell like clove, cinnamon and nutmeg (Jayfal) hence the name has been derived. As it belongs to myrtaceae flowers possess numerous stamens. The seeds can germinate after treatment of Calcium Hydroxide (lime or choona).

14 2024-09-19 23:55 Amsul, Kokam, कोकम

Trees with conical crown, usually buttressed at base. Male flowers: 3-8 in axillary and terminal fascicles. Stamens inserted on torus. Female flowers: in terminal cymes. Berries spherical, purple orange-pink, pulp red, acidic, fleshy. Seeds compressed. Flowering and Fruiting: November–August

15 2024-08-28 14:44 Apata, Sone, Bidi pan आपटा, सोने

A medium sized tree, 15-25 ft tall. The leaves are typically bilobed, small, 2-5 x 3-6 cm. The leaves are used for making Bidi. Flowers are white, ca. 1 cm across. Pods are blackish, curved at end. Leaves are exchanged in Maharashtra in “Dushera/ Vijayadashami”.

16 2024-08-29 14:01 Ardh Supari, Fish tail palm अर्ध सुपारी

A large monopodial tree native to Western Ghats. Trunk reaches up to height 30-50 ft., grayish-brown and covered with persistent leaf bases. The leaves appear in crown, bipinnate, leaflets are characteristically divided into multiple segments resembling shape of fishtail, hence the common name. Inflorescence is a large and branched structure that emerges from the top of the trunk. It bears numerous small, cream-colored flowers that are arranged densely on the branches of the inflorescence. Fruits are round, yellowish green turning purplish-black when ripe. The ripen fruit pulp contain raphides, responsible for itching. Fruits are eaten by Civet Cat.

17 2024-09-24 08:35 Areca Palm

A palm is native to Madagascar, naturalized in India for its ornamental value. The plant grows through multiple stumps from its base. The leaves are pinnately compound, arching, about 4-9 ft in length, leave circular scar on the stem. Plant produce fruits in the summer. The propagation is possible through seeds and mature stumps of the tree.

18 2024-08-26 14:49 Austalia Acacia, Sonajhuri

This is an introduced species in India in 1940s. It was introduced to degraded and drought-prone Purulia (Weste Bengal) for vegetation restoration and soil conservation.This species is harmful for the soil health through reduction of soil moisture, soil fertility, atmospheric moisture, and undergrowth (Mahato & Jana, 2021). A tree reaches to the height of 40 ft tall. The leaves (which rarely appear) bipinnate, each pinnae has 20 to 40 pairs of small leaflets. The leaflets are oblong in shape and typically measure about 1-2 cm in length. The flowers are bright yellow, and are arranged in cylindrical spikes or racemes. Inflorescence is 2-6 cm long.

19 2024-09-24 12:53 चित्रक, White Leadwort

The species is native to India. Plants are herbs. Leaves simple, spathulate, apex round, margins entire. Flowers in terminal racemes white, tubular, petals with limbs. Calyx glandular, cupular, enclosing base of corolla tube.

20 2024-09-24 05:40 चंदन, Sandalwood

Evergreen trees with slender drooping branches. Leaves elliptic to elliptic-lanceolate, apex subacute, entire. Flowers brownish-purple, in terminal and axillary paniculate cymes shorter than leaves. Drupes globose, c 7 x 5 mm, purplish-black. Flowering and Fruiting: March–August.

21 2024-09-24 06:22 झेंडू

An erect herb. Stem grooved, youndg stem purplish. Leaves pinnatisect, dark green, fragrant if crushed. Inflorescence marketed as flowers in yellow to orange coloured. Seeds linear, black.

22 2024-08-28 11:35 तांदळी, तांदुळजा

A prostrate glabrous annual; stems striate. Leaves obovate, obtuse, often notched at the tip, base tapering. Flowers in axillary clusters. Perianth pale pink; sepals membranous, awned and with a strong midnerve. Capsules circumscissile about the middle. A common weed in cultivated lands. It is considered as a wild vegetable.

23 2024-09-20 12:32 तुती

A plant famouly known as food of silk worm. It is a decicuous, shrub reaches to height of 15 ft. Leaves are ovate, apex acute base round to truncate, margins serrate. Inflorescen is catkin. Male inflorescence 1-2 cm long. Female inflorescence 0.5-1 cm long. Fruit is sorosis. ovoid, pink-purple when ripe, sweet and edible.

24 2024-08-29 14:55 दालचिनी, तमालपत्र

Trees, 20-30 ft, evergreen, bark 8-10 mm thick. Leaves simple, subopposite, 3-5 nerved from base, glabrous, elliptic to ovate, apex acute to acuminate, margin entire, glabrous. Flowers in terminal panicles. Fruit is a berry, oblong to ovoid, surrounded by enlarged perianth.

25 2024-08-28 14:21 देव कोरांटी

Perennial erect shrub. Stem and branches terete, obscurely winged, quite glabrous except for a few small hairs at the node, internodes swollen at the base. Leaves simple, decussate, 15-22 x 5-8 cm, elliptic-oblanceolate, acuminate, glabrous, glaucous beneath, base acutely tapering, leathery, margin ciliate. Flowers solitary, axillary in terminal spikes; bracts leafy; bracteoles 1-2 x 0.2-0.4 cm, linear-ligulate, broadly elliptic lanceolate. Flower tube is 8-12 cm long, and funnel shaped. Upper lip is 4-lobed.

26 2024-09-17 12:49 धोतरा

A spreadin subshrub, branching in zigzag manner. Leaves entire or angled with acute lobes, ovate, base oblique, apex acute or acuminate. Flowers white, blooming at night. Corolla funnel shaped. Fruits prickly, globose.

27 2024-08-28 12:26 नागर म्हैसवेल

A handsome, perennial, laticiferous, semiwoody climber. Leaves simple, alternate, ovate to widely ovate, base cordate, apex acute, upper surface glabrous, lower surface shining white tomentose. Corolla campanulate, whitish hairy outer, pink inside, throat purple, 4–5 cm long and same as wide, throat 1–1.2 cm wide. Fruit a brown colored dry berry, 1–2 cm diameter. 

28 2024-08-28 14:28 नीळी कोरांटी

The species is native to India. Subshrubs. Stems are coarsely fulvous strigose and subterete. Leaf blade is ovate to elliptic, both surfaces are fulvous strigose along veins. The corolla is purplish red, tube is basally cylindric, lobes are obovate-oblong.

29 2024-09-20 14:41 पान, खाऊचे पान

Perennial, dioecious climbers; stems rarely branched, producing clinging roots atnodes. Leaves alternate. Male flowers in narrow, cylindric spikes, minute; bracts peltate, adnate to rachis. Perianth absent. Stamens 1-4; anthers 2-celled.

30 2024-09-20 13:36 पारिजातक

This plant is native to the Indian subcontinent and is commonly found in tropical and subtropical regions. A moderate sized tree. Stem branched, branches 4 angled, bark greyish. Leaves ovate, scabrid, shortly acumnate at apex, base round to cuneate, margins toothed. Flowers in corymb, white with orange corolla tube, sweet scent. Interestingly, the flowers bloom at night and fall off in the early morning, which adds to their allure.. Fruit flat, compressed, apporx. circular.

31 2024-09-24 06:02 पिचकारी

A large trees upto 40-50 feet tall. Leaves pinnate, paripinnate, leaftets elliptic-obovate. Flowers in racemes. Calyx dark brown velutinous. Corolla orange coloured. Capsule lanceolate, brownish-black. Seeds winged.

32 2024-09-19 23:43 पिंपळ

A large tree, small plants or plantlets are found as epiphytic. Leaves ovate, glabrous, shiny apex narrowly acuminate produces a tail, base round to truncate. Plants produce small figs, round in shape, black-purple when ripe. Ripen inflorescence (fruits) are eaten by birds and other wildlife. Ficus religiosa is considered sacred in several religions, including Buddhism, Jainism, and Hinduism. It is believed to be the tree under which Siddhartha Gautama, the Buddha, attained enlightenment

33 2024-09-23 14:41 पुत्रंजीवा

An evergreen tree 30-40 ft. high with pendent branches. Stem bark corky, rectangularly fissured, pale to black. Leaves coriaceous, dark green, shining, elliptic-oblong, acute, obtuse or shortly acuminate, margin serrulate. Fruit a drupe, ellipsoid, rounded and pointed at apex stone pointed, very hard.

34 2024-09-20 15:06 पेरू

The fruit plant is native to Tropical America. A tree branched from base. Bark flakes, soil to yellowish coloured. Leaves oblong, veins depressed on upper surface. Flowers white large. Stamens numerous.

35 2024-08-28 12:37 फणस

Large, evergreen trees. Inflorescence cauliflorus and also from main branches, enclosed by glabrous, deciduous, leafy scales. Male flowers in heads. Perianth 2-lobed. Female protruding. Syncarps oblong-globose, periath, thick, fleshy. Seeds elliptic-oblong.Cultivated for its fruits. Thick, fleshy perianth edible.  Flowering and Fruiting: January–March

36 2024-09-24 06:59 बदाम

A large or medium high tree.Branched at approximately right angle, clustered at node. Leaves opposite, elliptic-ovate, acuminate. Flowers in dense axillary racemes, at ends of branches, calyx tube elongate, 5-fid. Fruits ovoid, ribbed along lateral margins, green to pale purple, 1 seeded.

37 2024-09-24 12:51 बसंती, Golden Girl, Yellow Flax

An erect spereading shrub, grows up to 3 ft. Leaves elliptic, dark green, glabrous. Flowers golden yellow, large, ca 4 cm across. Petals 5, obovate, delicate.

38 2024-09-17 12:54 बांडगूळ

Semi-parpsitic shrubs. Leaves usually opposite, thick, coriaceous, variable in shape. Flowers in axillary, solitary or paired, unilateral racemes. Corolla scarlet, split at the back tube curved. Fruits ellipsoid, red or pink.

39 2024-08-28 14:09 बांबू, कळक

Perennials. Culms tufted, terete, 6-15 m. high, erect; nodes hardly raised with usually a ring of brown hairs. Leaves linear-lanceolate, apex twisted. Panicle large, with clusters of spikelets.  Flowering and Fruiting: Rare, once in 20 years.  

40 2024-09-20 08:00 बिबळी, रान बिब्बा

Trees, 10–25 m tall. Leaves 20–40 x 10–15 cm, oblanceolate,triangular above the middle, decurrent into the petiole, apex acute,base cuneate. Inflorescence of tomentose, terminal, panicles. Flowers0.3–0.7 cm across, white or yellowish–green. Drupes 1.0–2.8 x 0.5–1.5 cm, obliquely ovoid, basal portion embedded in calyx.

41 2024-09-24 05:52 बिब्बा

Trees, 6–10 m tall. Leaves 7–30 x 5–15 cm, obovate–oblong, grey–tomentose beneath, apex obtuse. Inflorescence of pubescent panicles. Flowers 0.5–0.6 cm across, greenish–yellow. Drupes 2.0–3.0 cm across, yellowish to orange–black when ripens, seated on a fleshy receptacle.

42 2024-09-20 12:29 बकुळ

Trees, evergreen, 12–16 m tall. Leaves 5.0–9.5 x 3.0–5.0 cm, elliptic, shortly acuminate or acute at base. Flowers white, fragrant, 2.5 cm wide, solitary or in clusters of 2–6. Berries 2.5 cm long, ovoid, yellow when ripe. Seeds solitary, compressed, ovoid, shining, brown. Flowering and Fruiting: January–March.

43 2024-09-20 00:16 बेडकीचा पाला, गुडमार

Twining subshrubs, branchlets fulvous-tomentose. Leaves elliptic to ovate or obovate, apex obtusely acute, base truncate or obtuse, densely tomentose below. Flowers pale yellow, in umbellate cymes. Follicle usually paired, lanceolate, seeds, much compressed, long white hairy at apical region.

44 2024-09-24 06:16 महोगनी वृक्ष

A large trees. Bark vertically fissured, black. Leaves pinnately compound, leaflets small than Swietenia macrophylla, 3-5 cm long, 2-4 pairs, ovate-lanceolate, falcate, base unequal. Flowers small, greenish-yellow, panicles shorter than leaves. Capsules woody, ovoid. Seeds many, flat, winged.

45 2024-09-24 05:55 म्हातारी

Annual erect herbs. Leaves runcinate-pinnatifid. Heads on long peduncles, combinedinto subumbellate cymes. Involucral bracts 2-3-seriate. Achenes rugose, 3-ribbed on faces. Pappus hairs white.

46 2024-09-24 13:17 लसुनवेल

A climber reching up to height of 13-16 ft. Leaves compound opposite, glossy green, terminal leaflet modified into tendril. Leaves emit garlic like scent when crushed. Flowers in clusters, trumpate shaped, pink-purple at mouth, corolla tube white.

47 2024-09-20 14:53 लाल चाफा, Red Frangipani

Small trees. Leaves alternate, oblong-lanceolate or oblanceolate. Flowers in terminal peduncled corymbs, fragrant. Corolla overlapping to the left.

48 2024-09-20 13:01 लाल केळी

A small banana plant with beautiful red flowers. Inflorescence opens in upright direction. Plant bears red coloured fruits. The native range of this species is E. Himalaya to Myanmar.

49 2024-09-20 12:27 लाजाळू

A creeping, prostrate herb. Leaves pinnately compound, leaflets are 10-25 pairs of leaflets, petiole pulvinated. Leaves show seismonastic movement which is attributed to action potential generted by concentration of ions (K+) in and out of vacuoles in pulvinus cells. Flowers in head inflorescence, pink in colour.

50 2024-08-28 13:06 शतावरी

The species is native to India, South Africa and North Australia. Shatavari is a medicinal plant with a history of traditional use in Ayurveda. It is valued for its therapeutic properties and is known for its tuberous roots. It is climber of seasonal subtropical forests. Leaves are small and scale like. Leaves often confused or called as leaves are actually “cladophylls”. Inflorescence is raceme, 2.5-5 cm long, slender. Flowers bisexual, 5-6 mm across, white.

51 2024-09-19 23:08 शंखपुष्पी

Prostrate, much branched hairy herbs. Leaves sessile, elliptic-oblong, densely pilose,base acute, apex obtusely apiculate. Flowers axillary, solitary, calyx densely silky, lanceolate, acute. Corolla light, blue, rotate. Capsules globose, 4-valved. Seeds ellipsoid, dark brown.

52 2024-09-19 22:58 शेर

Much branched, large shrubs or small trees; branches terete, green, succulent, dichotomously branched. Leaves alternate, scaly, cauducous. Cyathia subsessile, peduncled cymes, either terminal or in forks of branches, yellowish-green; bracts triangular-semiorbicular; glands oval, broad, without petaloid appendages.  Flowering and Fruiting: February–May

53 2024-08-29 14:17 सदाफुली

An erect herb grows up to 3 ft. Leaves opposite, glossy green, oblong, with distinct central vein. The flowers come in various colors such as pink, white, purple, or red, often with a contrasting center. The plant contains alkaloids, including vincristine and vinblastine, which are used in cancer treatments.

54 2024-08-28 12:32 सफेद नागफणी

It is an unique species occur in the heart of the Western Ghats. Herbaceous seasonal plants, perennate through underground tuber. In rainy season single leaf comes out which has several leaflets. Inflorescence stalk is green, whitem grey, plae blotched like patterns on snake body. Inflorescence is Spadix, Spathe is hood shaped like snake hood, white at apex, purple inside at base. Flowers are naked without petals, female flowers at base and male flowers at apex of inflorescence. Spadix elongate, comes out of spathe, purple in colour.

55 2024-08-26 15:32 सातवीन

The plant is state tree of West Bengal and there it is known by name ‘Chhatim’.The trees are usually planted along roadside as avenue plants which grows up to 40 ft. The branches are distinctly covered with pale to yellow lenticels. The leaves in whorls of 5-7, green on upper surface and glaucous on lower surface. The flowers are white, tubular, up to 1 cm long. The fruits are follicle, slender, up to 30 cm long.                                               In higher doses the plant shows toxic properties

56 2024-08-28 12:19 सुपारी

Monoecious, perennial trees. Leaves in terminal crown; leaflets linear-lanceolate. Spadices several in the axils of fallen leaves, shortly peduncled, much branched. Male flowers numerous, female flowers few. Lower flower female; upper one male. Drupes smooth, supported by persistent perianth. Cultivated on small scale for its nuts Flowering and Fruiting: Almost throughout year 

57 2024-08-28 11:38 सुरण

Corm to 20 cm across, depressed globose, tubercled, pale pink inside. Petiole to 50 cm long, 3-4 cm thick, green with brown patches; lamina 70-120 cm across; lobes to 14 x 5.5 mm, ovate, acuminate, decurrent at base into a wing to the petiole; nerves impressed above. Spathe 38 cm across, campanulate, undulate, dull greenish brown; spadix as long as spathe; appendage obovoid, 20-25 cm across, uneven, rugose, deep pink. Flowers on the lower half of the spadix. Berry 15 x 10 mm, oblong, obovoid, orange-red, glabrous.

58 2024-09-20 12:12 सुरंगी, सुरीगाडा

The plant is native of India and Endemic to Western ghats of India. The plants are medium sized trees. Leaves thick, coriaceaous, dark green, elliptic to oblong, base round to cuneate, apex round. Flowers: cauliflorous plant. Gregarious flowering produced on branches. Flowers are pink coloured, fragrant, petals white inside.

59 2024-09-20 12:05 सोनचाफा

This specie is native to India and China. A large tree grows up to 40 ft. Stem branched, bark lenticillate, grey in color, young branches with scars of fallen leaves. Leaves simple, alternate, margin undulate, elliptic, apex acute, base cuneate. Flowers are solitary, very fragrant, orange to yellow in color, Fruit is follicle with lenticels, seeds red with distinct white thread like funiculus.

60 2024-09-24 05:43 सीतेचा अशोक

A handsome tree, grows up to 20-30 ft. Leaves pinnate, leaflets 4-6 pairs, oblong lanceolate, base slightly oblique, young leaflets red to pink in colour, hanging from branch apices. Flower numerous in corymbs, fragrant,. Calyx yellow to orange in colour. Petals 0. Stamens 7-8 exserted out of mouth. Pods linear oblong. Seeds ellipsoid-oblong, slightly compressed.

61 2024-09-19 23:51 जटा वेणी

A medium sized shrub. Leaves deep green, elliptic, veins prominent on lower surface, unifoliate. Inflorescence in peculiar as bracts cover the flower, bracts look like scale of a fish. Bracts ovate. Flowers white.

62 2024-09-20 07:51 जास्वंद

A shrub. Leaves simple, alternate, shiny green, margins toothed, elliptic, apex acute, base round. Flowers bright red, large, solitary. Stamens monoadelphous, monothecous.

63 2024-09-20 08:51 घाणेरी, चांगुण्या

A noxious invasive weed in India posing threat to 40% tiger range of India ( The plant is considered as top 10 worst invasive species by IUCN. The Lantana camara was brought to India by British which then escaped in natural habitats and became invasive. Then its spread assisted by frugivorous birds across country.

64 2024-08-26 15:23 घायपात

It is a succulent plant. It can grow3-6 ft high and 4-6 ft across. It flowers once in life develops a massive flower cluster on a robust flowering stem. Leaves are very large long and narrow, 30-90 cm long, 15-25 cm wide, fleshy and succulent, margins coarsely toothed, leaf apex with dark-brown coloured 1-5-2 cm long spine. Inflorescence is terminal panicle. It can be grown on various types of wastelands. It is a good soil holder, prevents erosion of bunds, railway embankments and barren slopes. It is recommended for social forestry.

65 2024-09-24 07:20 घोळ, गोल, Karmatighol

Tree. Branches villous, bark grey coloured. Leaves simple, base shallowly cordate, 3-7 veined, apex narrowly acute, margins dentate, white hairy on lower surface. Flowers small, pale green coloured.

66 2024-09-19 23:14 वड

A very huge tree, with many prop roots (aerial roots) which helps plant to extend its canopy to wide area. Leaves coriaceous, minutely pubescent beneath, base rounded to subcordate, with 3-7 veins from base. A hypanthodium is red when ripe, ca 1.5 cm in diameter, round. The banyan tree (Ficus benghalensis) is characterized by its aerial roots, sprawling canopy, textured bark, and cultural significance.Currently, India has six banyans that occupy one hectare or more. The largest is “Thimmamma Marrimanu,” located in Anantapur, Andhra Pradesh. Thimmamma Marrimanu’s combined crowns merge to occupy 2.19 hectares (5.41 acres). The canopy spans approximately 190 m long by 145 m wide (623 x 476 ft) and is supported by nearly 4,000 prop roots. The most famous banyan tree, albeit slightly smaller than Thimmamma Marrimanu, is “The Great Banyan”, located in the Indian Botanical Garden of Kolkata, West Bengal, with >3,000 supporting trunks. The combined crowns occupy 1.65 hectares (4 acres) (

67 2024-09-23 14:46 वनसर्पगंधा

Small shrubs. Leaves 4, elliptic-ovate, thinly pubescent above, densely so below, acuteat both ends in whorls. Flowers 5-7 in axillary or terminal corymb. Corolla white. Stamens 5. Fruits dark red when ripe.

68 2024-09-24 13:12 वारस

A tree grows up to height of 20 ft. Bark is dark brown. Leaves pinnate, 1-2 ft long, crowded at the apex of the branch, leaflets elliptic, base obtuse, apex acuminate, margin serrate-dentate. Flowers white, two lipped, fragrant. fruit a capsule

69 2024-09-24 07:29 वाळा

This grass is evergreen perennial growing and reaches up to height of 5 ft. Vetiveria zizanoides is cultivated for its medicinally valued essential oil. An essesntial oils from its leaves are best source of antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial, and antifungal activities. This grass is of Indian origin. Perennial herbs. Culms tufted, subcompressed, rhizomatous. Leaf margins spinulosely serrate. Panicles oblong or oblong-elliptic, contracted; branches filiform. Sessile spikelets oblonglanceolate, awnless. Pedicelled spikelets lanceolate.

70 2024-09-20 14:49 विलायती चिंच

The native range of this species is Mexico to Guyana and Peru. It is a shrub or tree and grows primarily in the seasonally dry tropical biome. (Source: POWO). Moderate sized trees, stems armed with short prickles. Pinnae 1 pair. Leaflet bipinnate. Flowers in globose heads. Corolla dull white. Pods spirally twisted. Seeds 6-8, ovoid, black polished enclosed in white, fleshy, edible aril

71 2024-08-29 14:38 खाप्पार काडू

Tuberous twiners; stems coiling. Leaves petioled, ovate, glabrous. Flowers in lateral, umbellate cymes; corolla greyish-purple, tube 1.0-1.7 cm long, inflated at base, narrow in middle, funnel-shaped above.

72 2024-08-24 13:15 गुंज

The plants traditionally used to treat tetanus, and to prevent rabies. The plant is used in some traditional medicine to treat scratches and sores and wounds caused by dogs, cats and mice, and are also used with other ingredients to treat leucoderma. It is herbaceous perennial climber. The leaves are pinnately compound, brightly green coloured. The flowers are produced in raceme. Flowers blue to purple in colour. Bracts deltoid, minute. Seeds many, 5-7 x 4-5 mm, subglobose, scarlet red with black eyes.

73 2024-09-20 08:10 गौरी

Erect, annual herbs. Leaves alternate narrowed into short petiole. Flowers 1-3 together,in leaf axils. Petals pink or rosy. Standard small, orbicular, retuse, horned. Wings broad, the lateral lobes rounded. Lip small boat shaped, mucronate. Capsules tomentose. Seeds reticulate.

74 2024-09-20 12:03 गोसावळे, गोसाळे

Extensive, annual climbers, stems 5-angular; tendrils 3-fid. Leaves 5-lobed often gland dotted. Male flowers on axillary peduncles. Stamens 3 with 1 unilocular and 2 bilocular anthers or 5 with 5 unilocular anthers. Fruits fusiform. Seeds ovate, smooth .

75 2024-09-24 08:25 गोंडा गवत, Feather finger grass.

A grass with creeping base. Leaves linear, margins thin and membranous, ligule thin narrow. Spikes crowded at the end of peduncle, spikes short stalked, lower glumes awned in the sinus, bearded at base.

76 2024-08-29 15:00 गोकर्ण

Clitoria ternatea is a climbing vine that can reach up to 2-3 meters. The leaves are alternate, compound, and pinnate with five to seven leaflets. Flowers are showy white or blue to violet coloured. The flowers are used to make a herbal tea or natural food colorant.

77 2024-09-20 00:30 आंबाडी

Plant is a annual herb growing up to 6ft. Leaves deeply lobed 5-7 digitate, margins dentate. The flowers are 8-15 cm diameter, white, yellow, or purple; when white or yellow, the centre is still dark purple. The fruit is a capsule 2 cm diameter, containing several seeds.

78 2024-09-20 14:23 आंबुशी

Perennial, hairy herbs. Leaflets 1–2 x 1.2–2.5 cm, obcordate, membranous, sessile or subsessile. Umbels 2–4–flowered on axillary peduncles. Flowers yellow; sepals appressed–pubescent outside; petals as long as sepals, oblong. Capsules oblong, 1.0–1.8 cm long, narrowed at apex, 5–angled and beaked. Seeds ovoid, transversely striate.

79 2024-08-28 14:03 कडूलिंब

A tree grows up to height of 30 ft. Branches are spreding and drooping at apices. Leaves compound, pinnate. Leaflets 9-31 in number, elliptical or lanceolate in shape, serrated along margins, base oblique. Flowers are produced in axillary clusters or panicles, small, fragrant, white to pale-yellow coloured. The flowers attracting various pollinators like bees and butterflies. The fruit of Azadirachta indica is a drupe that is oval to round in shape, measuring about 1.5-2.5 cm in length. The fruit changes from green to yellow as it ripens.

80 2024-09-20 13:06 कण्हेर

The plant is native of India and China. It is a evergreen shrub, profusely branched, grows to the height of 3ft. Leaves are lanceolate, acute at apex, so to the base. Flowers pink or white, fragrant, petals fringed at the base. The plants are toxic that’s why they are free from pests. Plants are preferred to plant in road dividers as it tolerates the heat, smoke and pollution.

81 2024-09-20 13:39 कमळ, Blue water lotus

An aquatic plant with large round, floating leaves. Leaves oval to circular, prominent midvein, veins are clear and raised on lower surface, with purple tinge. deeply notched at stem petiole joining point. Petiole join to underground rhizome. Flowers rise above water on long pedicel, blue to purple, petals narrow, pointed, radiating. Stamens laminar, yellow at centre of flower.

82 2024-08-28 14:25 काटे कोरांटी

Perennial, erect, prickly shrub, up to 3-5 ft high, much branched. Stem and branches terete, glabrous; 2-3 or 4-armed simple spines with small stalk in the axils of leaves, whitish, 0.5-1.5 cm long. Leaves simple, decussate, 6-14 x 4-6 cm, ovate to broadly ovate, elliptic, acuminate, bristle-tipped, margin ciliate, base tapering, glabrous above, pubescent in young leaves. Flowers sessile, often solitary in lower axils. Corolla golden yellow, pubescent outside, bilipped. Capsules obpyriform, compressed with solid apical beak.

83 2024-09-24 07:42 काळा कुडा

A small tree. Bark scaly smooth. Leaves elliptic lanceolate, acuminate, glabrous, main nerves  6-12 pairs. Flowers white, fragrant, in cymes. Calyx glabrous, glandular inside. Corolla tube short. Corona of numerous linear scales. Fruit of 2 distinct pendulous follicles, cylindric, with lenticels. Seeds commose.

84 2024-09-19 23:33 कृष्ण वड

Krishna Fig is a very large, fast growing, evergreen tree up to 30 m tall, with spreading branches and many aerial roots. Leaves stalked, ovate heart-shaped, 3 nerved, when young velvety on both sides. The unique feature of the tree is that the leaves have a pocket-like fold at the base. Leaf stalks with a broad smooth greasy gland at the apex, compressed, downy. (Source: Flowers of India).

85 2024-08-30 15:00 केना

The plant has fleshy, succulent, and spreading stems that are often prostrate or creeping along the ground. Leaves are sheathing, parallel veined. Flowers small, blue to purple coloured, petals 3. Plant also possess creamy coloured underground cleistogamous flowers. In some traditional medicine systems, parts of the plant are used for medicinal purposes.

86 2024-09-20 13:04 केळी

A herb with pseudostem. Possess drooping long inflorescence. Flowers matures in to fruit which are referred as banana. The banana doesn’t possess seeds as it is  triploid between Musa acuminata × Musa balbisiana. But in wild many species and its wild relatives possess black coloured triangular seeds.

87 2024-09-20 14:29 केवडा

A shrub grows upto 20 ft tall. Leaves 3-5 ft long, ensiform, acuminate at apex, margins spinose, spines forward pointing. Male spathes and flowers are strongly scented. Female flowers carpels confluent.

88 2024-08-28 14:16 कोरांटी

Perennial shrub. Stems quadrangular, appressed hairy, densely hairy at nodes. Leaves simple, decussate, elliptic-lanceolate, acute-acuminate, hairy, base tapering, margin ciliate. Flowers in axillary and terminal short ovate dense spikes. Bracteoles conspicuous, 1-1.5 x 0.1-0.2 cm, linear, acute, distantly toothed margins. Calyx segments 4, two partite, divided almost to the base, sub spinous bristle- tipped teeth on the margins. Corolla pink or blue or white, pubescent outside, lobes 1-1.8 x 0.8-1.8 cm, obovate-oblong rounded, lower lobe emarginate; upper tube widely infundibuliform. Fertile stamens 2, exerted beyond the tube. Specific epithet cristata means ‘crested’ or ‘having tassel like tips’

89 2024-09-20 08:43 अडुळसा

The leaves of plant are used in Ayurveda treatment of wide range of inflammatory and respiratory conditions like cough, asthma, nasal congestion. The plant is known for containing various bioactive compounds, including alkaloids such as vasicine and vasicinone, which contribute to its medicinal properties. The plants are profusely branched shrub. Leaves are simple, opposite, lanceolate, 10-15 cm long and 5-10 cm wide, veins depressed on upper surface. The flowers are white with purple veined throat, two-lipped, flower ca 2 cm long. The fruit is capsule which split open at maturity. 

90 2024-08-30 15:42 अबोली

A flowering plant admired for its beautiful flowers. Leaves opposite, lanceolate to elliptic. Flowers are produced in clusters, trumpet to funnel like, the colour ranges from orange, red, salmon, yellow.

91 2024-08-30 15:50 अमरवेल

Slender yellow twiners. Flowers sessile, 5-7, in lateral fascicles. Calyx-lobes 5, c. 2 x 1.5 mm, broadly ovate, scarious. Corolla pale yellow, c. 5 mm across, 3-3.5 mm long, widely funnel-form. The plant is parasite on the angiospermic plants.

92 2024-09-24 06:57 अर्जुन

A large tree reaching 80 ft. Branches horizontally spreading, bark thick, smooth. Leaves subopposite, oblong, obtuse at apex, shallowly crenate-serrate, dull green above, pale brown below, hairy, two glands at base of lamina. Flowers in short axillary spikes. Fruits 5 winged, veins of wings are upwardly curved.

93 2024-09-20 14:57 अशोकाचे झाड

It is a large tree, native of Sri Lanka and Southern India. The downwardly directed, sequential branches of the tree make it a handsome avenue tree. The leaves are simple, petiolate, glabrous, thin papery, lamina with undulate margin. Flowers in fascicles, pale green in colour. Fruits are green, smooth and shining. Seeds shiny and do germinate on soaking in water.

94 2024-09-19 23:22 अंजीर

 It is a spreading shrub or small tree, profusely branched, reaches up to 10 to 30 ft height. The specific epithet “carica” has been derived from Caria, region of Turkey known for growing figs. Leaves simple, heart shaped, 3-5 deeply lobed 15-30 cm long, leaves surface sand paper like scabrid. Inflorescence a hypanthodium. The whole inflorescence is traded as fruit for which the plants are cultivated.

95 2024-09-19 23:40 उंबर

Large evergreen trees without aerial roots. Leaves alternate coriaceous, bluntly pointedat apex. Receptacles shortly pedunculate on short leafless branches, pyriform or subturbinate, orange-red, pubescent. Male flowers forming a ring near the mouth of receptacle, sessile.

96 2024-08-26 14:52 Babhal/ बाभळ

A profusely branched tree, branched approximtely 90 degree to main stem. Stem bark dark brown coloured vertically fissured. Flowers yellow, in globose heads.Pods moniliform, compressed, constricted at the sutures between the seeds, densely grey tomentose. Young shoots of plants are eaten for teeth and gum strengthening.

97 2024-09-20 12:07 Barbados Cherry

An erect evergreen shrub reaches to the height of 6ft. Branches spreading, end drooping. Leaves evergreen, ovate, apex acute, margins wavy. Flowers white, pale pink to dark pink coloured, petals with claw and limb. Fruits red, edible,.

98 2024-09-20 08:33 Bat Mogara, मोगरा

A suberect or climbing shrub. Young branches pubescent. Leaves opposite, membranous, ovate to elliptic in shape. Flowers white, fragrant, produced in terminal cymes. Fruits oblong, black when ripe, with permanent calyx

99 2024-09-24 13:07 Begonia, Holly-leaf Begonia

Plant is native of Brazil. A herb. Leaves large, oblique, yellow, green, cream striped, glandular hairy, margins dentate, palmatisect, petiole red, fleshy, long. Flowers unisexual. Calyx & Corolla coloured. Ovary inferior.

100 2024-08-26 15:21 Bel

It can be readily recognized by its peculiar drooping branches. The plant is of indian origin and religiously offered to Lord Shiva. It is a medicinal plant which is used to treat diabetes, respiratory problems and diarrhoea. The fruits of Aegle marmelos are rich in flavonoids, terpenoids, carotenoids and coumarins. The major bioactive constituents include imperatorin (54), aegelin, lupeol, eugenol, cineol and citronellal. The plants are medium sized tree. The bark of the tree is grayish-brown and often rough and furrowed. Leaves compound, alternate, and pinnate. Leaflets 3 to 5 ovate or elliptical with serrated margins. The leaves show gland dots if seen against light. The flowers are pale to white in colour and fragrant. Fruits are drupe, round, with embedded pulp

101 2024-09-24 08:07 Bennakki, Browntop millet

Annual grass. Leaves linear, with pale and green lines. Inflorescence spike, 3 spikes borne on an axis. Banchlets wavy, spikelet elliptic. Glumes with dark green and pale green lines from start to end.

102 2024-09-20 16:08 Bibla, Raktachandan, रक्तचंदन

A large deciduous tree with stout crooked stem. Leaves 15-20 cm long, leaflets 5-7, coriaceous, oblong, obtuse, rounded, glaborus. Flowers in terminal racemes, flowers yellow, with crisped margins, calyx brown pubesent, calyx teeth very short. Fruits 2-5 cm in diameter, circular, wings present, veined.

103 2024-09-20 08:26 Blue jacaranda, नीलमोहर

The native range of this species is Bolivia to NW Argentina. It is a tree and grows primarily in the subtropical biome. Jacaranda trees are often planted as ornamental trees in parks, gardens, and along streets for their stunning flowers and overall aesthetic appeal. A fast growing exotic tree, reaches to height more than 30 ft. Stem is branched, bark brown in colour, smooth, with small furrow and ridges. The leaves are bipinnate compound, leaflets small, lance shaped. Foliage delicate fern like in appearance. The flowers are stunning trumpet shaped, violet blue in colour. The fruit is flattened, woody capsule.

104 2024-08-29 10:50 Boganvel, बोगनवेल , कागदी फुल

Plant is climber, used for fencing. Stem branched, with spines. Spines are modification of stipule. Leaves are simple, green, glabrous, opposite, ovate, margin wavy. Stem branched. Inflorescence axillary panicles. Flower has Pink or white coloured 3 bracts. Bracts are showy, ovate, obtuse, membranous resembling petals. The flowers are produced on midvein of bract, tubular, white.

105 2024-08-29 11:03 Bottle Brush

Native to Australia, this plant is appreciated for its unique bottlebrush-like flower spikes and its ability to attract pollinators like birds and insects. It is a medium sized evergreen tree. Branches are drooping, bark is vertically fissured, grey coloured. Leaves lanceolate, glossy, dark green, gathered at branches apices. Flowers are arranged in cylindrical spikes. Flowers are bright crimson red coloured, rich in nectar, attract birds and insects.

106 2024-09-23 19:46 Bottle Palm or Royal Palm

Large trees. Stems annulate, bottle shaped. Leaves large crowded at the neds top, petioles enclosing stem; leaflets linear-ensiform. Flowers greenish-white, numerous in spathes. Spadices 3-4 simultaneously. Drupes small, elliptic-ovate, striated. Flowering and Fruiting: September–March Commonly cultivated in gardens as avenue trees.

107 2024-08-29 14:27 Brahmi

Herbs; stems slender with elongated internodes, prostrate, rootingat nodes. Leaves 1.2–4.0 cm across, orbicular or reniform, cordate atbase; petioles 1–2.5 cm long. Flowers pink, in fascicled, bracteateumbels. Fruits 0.4 cm long, ovoid, rugose with persistent corolla–crown; mericarps with 7–9 ridges.

108 2024-08-28 11:32 Brazil Reshimkata

Plants are herbs and recognized by its purple red plant body. Stems erect, villous, glabrate. Leaves sessile; blade ovate to lanceolate, 1-7 × 0.7-1 cm, herbaceous, villous. Inflorescences terminal and axillary, pedunculate; heads white, globose, 0.7-1 cm diam.; bracts keeled, shorter than to equaling tepals. Flowers: tepals monomorphic, green to stramineous, lanceolate, 3-4 mm, apex acuminate, villous, hairs not barbed.

109 2024-09-23 14:38 Buddha’s coconut

A tall tree, with fissured bark. Leaves are ovate to broadly ovate, glabrous above and stellately hairy beneath, base rounded to subcordate. Leaves chartaceous, papery. Flowers are yellow with purple spots. Calyx is rusty hairy, also clothed with stellate hairs. Fruits are follicles, obovoid.

110 2024-09-23 19:57 Burcher’s Broom

An evergreen rhizomatous herb. Characteristics of this plant is it produces flowers and fruits on leaves. Fruits red coloured.

111 2024-08-29 14:06 Candle Bush

It is distinctive shrub with distinctive flowers and leaves. Leaves are large, compound, leaflets are ovate to oblong, bright green. Inflorescence in raceme. Flowers are bright yellow, along with bracts flowers are beautiful. Fruit is a pod, long, flattened, brown coloured, with distinct wings.

112 2024-08-30 15:34 Cannon Ball Tree, Kailaspati कैलासपती

A ornamentally valued tree for its flowers and fruits. The flowers are popularly called as ‘Shivlingi flowers’. A large deciduous tropical tree, indigenous to the Amazon rainforest. This tree is uniquely cauliflorous meaning bearing racemes of flowers on its stem. The flowers are waxy, aromatic sweet scenting, pink to dark red coloured. The fruits of the tree are large round like a cannonball. The flower of this tree is a STATE FLOWER of Pondicherry.

113 2024-08-26 14:54 Cat’s Tail

Dioecious shrubs; branches compact, spreading, with age. Leaves greenish-white above, tinged with red, nerves red on both surfaces; stipules pink, minute, linear. Flowers minute, in dense clusters along pendulous spikes.  Flowering and Fruiting: August–January Native of E. indies, grown in gradens.

114 2024-09-20 12:24 Ceylon Ironwood

The plant is native to Indo-Malayan region and prized for its heavy and hard timber. It is a national tree of Sri Lanka. A large tree reaches up to 30 ft height. The bark is grey to blakish in colour, older bark flakes off. Young leaves are red to pink in colour, characteristically drooping. Flowers are white, fragrant with numerous yellow stamens. 

115 2024-09-19 22:29 Cher, Chira, चेर

Small trees. Leaves orbicular, acutely 5-7-lobed. Flowers in terminal panicles and leaf opposed cymes. Petals 5, yellow, clawed, pitted glandular at base. Capsules triquetrous with winged angles, cordate at base, woody, dehiscent, faces covered with prickles arising from broad bases.  Flowering and Fruiting: August–May

116 2024-08-28 12:43 Climbing Asparagus, Plumosa Fern

The native range of this species is Central Ethiopia to South Africa, Comoros. It is scrambling perennial herb. The stems are long, slender, and vine-like. Leaves of plant are the primary feature of the plant and resemble fine, soft needles or fronds. Leaflets are very thin and linear, giving the plant a lacy and airy appearance.

117 2024-08-29 15:02 Coconut नारळ

The native range of this species is Central Malesia to South West Pacific. It is a palm grows to a 30 m tall. Leaves pinnate, leaf base spreaded, leaves form crown. Leaves arranged spirally at the top of the trunk. Inflorescence a spadix, with boat shaped spathe. Flowers small, pale yellow to white in colour. 

118 2024-08-30 14:42 Coffee

It is believed to have originated in the highlands of Ethiopia, specifically in the region of ‘Kaffa’, which is where its name may have originated. The cultivation of coffee in India traces back to 1670 when Baba Budan introduced coffee beans from Yemen to the hills of Chikmagalur in Karnataka. Subsequently, coffee plantations have taken root in this region and expanded southward into Kodagu (Wild Anthony, 1995).

119 2024-09-19 23:37 Creeping fig

It is a versatile and attractive vine often used as a ground cover or for climbing walls, trellises, and fences. Ficus pumila is a creeping or climbing vine. It attaches itself to surfaces with the help of aerial roots that grow from the stems. These roots can adhere to walls, trees, or other structures, allowing the vine to climb and spread.

120 2024-08-30 15:37 Crinum Lily

The plant is perennial herb, showcased in gardens for its foliage and flowers. It is a bulbous herb. Leaves are dark green, fleshy, oblong, lanceolate, more than 3 ft long. Flowers in rainy season, red form of this species possess flowers pink to purple on outer side. Flowers 7-10 cm long, arranged in umbel on a long peduncle. Tepals are linear, attenuate, white inside, red outer.

121 2024-09-20 14:32 Cupid Peperomia

The native range of this species is S. Mexico to Tropical America. It is an epiphyte or lithophyte and grows primarily in the wet tropical biome.The plant is propogared with stem cuttings. Peperomia scandens is favored for its ease of care, attractive foliage, and adaptability to indoor conditions. Its vining nature makes it a versatile choice for adding a touch of greenery. The plant possesses cordate, leathery, fleshy leaves, possess glossy and waxy appearance; cultivars also available with variegated leaves.

122 2024-09-20 12:53 Curry patta, कडी पत्ता

A medium height tree. Leaves are unipinnately compound, aromatic, gland dotted, leaftet ovate, acute at apex, cuneate at base. Flowers white, fragrant, in terminal panicles. Fruits are berry, purple black when ripe.

123 2024-09-23 20:54 Cylindrical Snake Plant

The native range of this species is S. Tropical Africa. It is a rhizomatous geophyte and grows primarily in the seasonally dry tropical biome (POWO). The plant has ornamental value cause of cylindrical, elongate, greenish grey, smooth leaves. Leaves 2- 4 ft long, arranged in rosette. 

124 2024-08-29 14:10 Desert cassia

Small tree, able to grow up to about 1.5 - 2.5 m tall.  Leaves compound with fine and feathery leaflets, green to greyish-green, each leaf usually has 3 - 15 leaflets measuring about 0.4 - 1 cm long. Flowers 5-petaled yellow flowers, measuring about 2.5 cm wide, usually in axillary racemes. Fruit is a brown, measuring about 8 - 15 cm long.

125 2024-09-20 14:05 Dev tulas, तुळस

Annual herbs, 1-2 ft in height. Branches 4 angled, young branched purplish. Leaves elliptic, toothed along margins, clothed with white hairs. Pedicel of flower equal or longer than calyx, lower calyx lip teeths longer than upper lip. Corolla purple, two lipped, upper lip hairy on outer side. Stamens exerted out of mouth. Seeds or nutlets, not mucilagenous when wetted.

126 2024-09-24 07:55 Devil’s Backbone

A succulent native to Madagascar. Leaves opposite, oblong lanceolate large can grow upto 20 cm long, green above, purple blotched below, margins crenate. Plants contains cardiac glycosides, steroids named as Daigremontianin.

127 2024-09-24 12:47 Devil’s Ivy plant, Money Plant

A trailing vine grows up to 40 ft height. The plant is desired for its glossy green, variegated leaves, leaves are heart shaped, 10-70 cm long, acute to acuminate at apex. Flowers are produced in spadix inflorescence subtended by boat shaped spathe.

128 2024-09-24 12:55 Dieffenbachia, Dumb cane, Leopard Lily

The plant an erect, herbaceous, ornamental plant native to Central and South America. The leavea are large, with variegated patterns with cream to yellow marking resemble leopard’s sports. 

129 2024-08-29 14:30 Din Ka Raja

It is close relative species of Cestrum nocturnum which blooms during night, while this is a day blooming. Plants are much branched shrub. Branches are green, semiwoody. Leaves are dark green, glabrous, glossy. White tubular flowers attract butterflies.

130 2024-09-19 22:22 Duranta, गोल्डन डूरान्टा

The species is native of Florida to Caribbean Island and North America. It is grown in India as a hedge plant. It is shrub grows up to height of 3-15 ft but can be pruned and maintained as per requirement. Leaves are simple, opposite, elliptic to ovate, margins serrate. Flowers are 1-1.5 cm across, blue to lavender coloured, produces in a raceme. Fruits are small, spherical, yellow when ripe. Cultivars: There are several cultivars of Duranta erecta available, offering variations in flower color and growth habit. For example, \'Alba\' has white flowers, \'Variegata\' has variegated leaves, and \'Sapphire Showers\' features a weeping growth habit.

131 2024-09-20 14:13 Dwarf Lilyturf

A perennial herb. Leaves pale green, variegated, linear, acute apex. Flowers are small, bell-shaped, pale lilac to white, borne on an inflorescence. It produces round to elliptic fruits that are cobalt blue in colour measuring less than 1 cm wide.

132 2024-09-24 13:03 Egyptian starcluster

An erect herb. Leaves simple, opposite, lanceolate, stipule interpetiolar, veins prominent below, hairy. Flowers in apical conical topped raceme, red, pink, white coloured, tubular.

133 2024-09-24 08:38 Egyptian Woodrose, Hairy Woodrose.

A twinning annual herb, plant clothed with hairs. Leaves palmate, 5-foliate. Flowers white, calyx hairy, bulbous based hairs, flowers bell shaped. Fruit capsule, ovoid, covered with hairs.

134 2024-08-29 10:18 Elephant’s Foot, Ponytail Palm हत्ती पाय झाड

The species is native to Mexico. Widely popular as ornamental plant, it’s a distinctiveness are characterized by its succulent-like trunk and long, arching leaves. It is a slow-growing plant, and its growth habit is often described as "caudiciform," meaning it forms a swollen stem or caudex. This caudex gradually expands over time as the plant stores water. Stem is erect, bulbous at base resembling elephant foot. Trunk stores water which helps in survival of plant. Leaves long, slender, leathery, waxy and emerge from top of the stem.

135 2024-09-20 00:27 Expanded lobsterclaw.

A herb with pseudostem grows up to height of 5 ft. Leaves alternate, long petioled with lanceolate leaf blade. Inflorescence an erect, with distinct orange, yellow, red tinged, about 45 cm long bract. Flowers tubular, 10-15 per bract. Fruits blue in colour.

136 2024-09-20 00:21 Firebush

A perennial shrub. Leaves simple, opposite, elliptic, oval, veins reddish. Flowers tubular 1.5 to 2.5 cm long, orange to red in colour. The plant is native to Central and Southern America. It grown as a fencing or hedge plant.

137 2024-09-24 06:19 Five-fingers plant

The climbers reach heights of 1 to 3 metres. Leaves are evergreen, simple leaves are alternate. saggitate, undulate and petiolate. Produces solitary light greenish yellow spathae from June to August.

138 2024-08-29 10:24 Foolproof Plant, Flaming Torch

Foolproof Plant is a bromeliad from Brazil. Every summer it blooms without fail with that strange orangey-pink flower. This probably is the origin of the common name. It is not really a flower, but rather an inflorescence with many flowers. It quickly grows "pups" to create an unusual groundcover. The succlent leaves form a large vase, and produce mostly red flowers with yellow and purple highlights. The flower looks like a torch. (Source: Flowers of India).

139 2024-09-20 00:06 Gallant Soldier, Quick Weed

A fast growing annual weed. Leaves opposite, apex acute, margins dentate, veins depressed above, leaves hairy. Inflorescence apical with white ray florates, disc florets yellow.

140 2024-08-28 12:50 Garden Asparagus

The native range of this species is Europe to Mongolia. It is a perennial and grows primarily in the temperate biome. It is used as a poison and a medicine, has environmental uses and for food.

141 2024-08-29 15:06 Garden Croton

It is a popular tropical plant known for its vibrant and colorful foliage. Codiaeum variegatum is prized for its stunning foliage, and it adds a pop of color to indoor and outdoor gardens. Due to its colorful leaves, it\'s often used as an ornamental plant to enhance the aesthetics of homes, gardens, and landscapes.

142 2024-09-24 08:20 Goosegrass, रान्नचणी, खुर्द

Perennial grass grows in tufts or clump. Leaves alternate, leaf base sheathing, whitish, lamina green with prominent midvein. Receme secund, branchlets 3-5, bears spikelets on lower side, spikelts laterally compressed.

143 2024-08-28 12:23 Griffith’s sago palm

The palm is endemic to Western Ghats of India. It can be identified by its silvery lower surface of leaves. This palm species has various uses, including its sap being tapped to produce palm sugar. The leaves can be used for thatching, and the palm heart or apical bud is edible in certain cultures.

144 2024-09-23 14:49 Gulab

A prickly shrub. Stem brached, with recurved brown prickels, bark green. Leaves compound, leaflets lance shaped, marfins serrate, apex acute. Flowers large, sweet scented, colour varies with shape. 

145 2024-09-20 14:37 Gunpowder plant, Artillary plant

A small herbaceous plant, grows luxuriantly in rainy season. Leaves small, fleshy, grabrous, ovate, acute apex. Its arrangement of leaves which makes it noteworthy. Flowers are small, incospicuous. Male flowers release pollen explosively hence the common name Artillary plant.

146 2024-09-24 07:24 Hen’s Nettle, आग्या

An seasonal erect herb. Stem and whole plant posses stinging hairs. Leaves simple, margins serrate, veins depressed on lower surface creating raised islands. Flowers small, produced in axillary racemes. Male and female flowers separate.

147 2024-09-20 08:03 Hydrilla

A fresh water plant. Stem slender, green, profusely branched, roots produced from nodes. Leaves sessile, arranged in whorls of 5-10, oblong, apiculate. Male flowers liberate pollen grains to the surface of water.

148 2024-09-20 07:58 Indian Elm, वावळा

A deciduous tree with a medium to large size, often reaching heights of 15 to 25 meters. The bark of mature trees is rough and fissured, with a gray to brownish-gray coloration. Leaves alternate, glabrous, elliptical to obovate in shape, margin entire, 7-15 cm long. Fruit winged, samara, orbicular.

149 2024-09-20 14:35 Indian Gooseberry, Awala, आवळा

A moderate height tree, grows up to 20-30 ft. tall. Leaves are pinnately compound, leaflets are oblong to linear-oblong, green to fluorescent pale green. Flowers ca 3 mm across, white, produced in terminal clusters. Fruits are greenish yellow, round, 2-3 cm across, fleshy fruit wall.

150 2024-09-19 23:26 Indian Rubber Tree

The native range of this species is Nepal to China (W. Yunnan) and W. Malesia. It is a tree and grows primarily in the wet tropical biome. It is used as a medicine, has environmental uses and social uses and for fuel and food.  (

151 2024-09-20 09:25 Indian White lantana

An undershrub. Stem quadrangular, climbing or prostrate, young stem rough. Leaves ovate, margins crenate, acute to obtuse at apex, base cordate.Flowers are borne in spike inflorescence. Flowers white with yellow throat, two lipped and 5 lobes corolla. The native range of this species is India and Pakistan.

152 2024-09-19 22:25 Jalparni, Kendal, जलपर्णी

This species is not native to India but was brought to the country during the period of British colonial rule as an ornamental aquatic plant originating from South America. The plant has become a noxious weed of Indian fresh water resources and known as “terror of Bengal”. A free floating aquatic herb. Leaves are broad thick, ovate, with bulbous spongy stalks which gives buoyancy to plant. Flowers are attractive, lavender to pink, out of six one petal have yellow spot with bluish spreading colour rays.

153 2024-09-20 12:36 Jamaica Cherry, Panama Cherry, चेरी

A medium sized fast growing tree. Branches speading at an angle of 90 to the main trunk. Leaves elliptic, hairy, base unequal, margin dentate, apex acute. Flowers with white petals, petals wavy, deciduous. Stamens yellow, many. Ripen fruits red, eaten by birds, fruit type berry, numerous seeded. 

154 2024-08-30 15:47 Jambhali Halad जांभळी हळद, रान हळद

Curcuma is a rhizome forming herb, rhizome ovoid-conical, pale yellow-white. Roots are fleshy, root-tubers 2.5-3 x 2 cm, ovoid, white inside. Leafy shoots are 1-2 ft tall. Leaves are distichous, 2-4, blade 10-30 x 5-15 cm, broadly ovate, base slightly heart-shaped, tip triangular with a small cusp, hairless. Inflorescences are both lateral and central; peduncle 6-10 cm long. Flower produced in spike. Bracts are many lower green with purple tip, upper deep purple-pink. Flowers 1 or 2 in each bract. Calyx 1-1.2 cm long, truncate, tip shortly 3-lobed, white with pink spots, minutely pubescent. Corolla tube 2 cm long, funnel-shaped, deep purple. Flowering: July–September

155 2024-09-23 19:49 Kali Dhawani

A herb. Stem quadrangular. Leaves ovate, 2-10 cm long. Flowers occur solitary in the leaf axils, each one subtended by oblanceolate to ovate bracts. Flowers are violet blue to occasionally nearly white, 2.4-3.2 cm long, the petals slightly spreading.

156 2024-08-29 14:42 Kapar Musali

Perennial geophytes. Roots tuberous. Leaves rosettes, lanceolate, sessile, dark green above, glaucous green below. Scape 30 – 65 cm tall, solitary. Flowers white, pedicellate. Perianth segments 6, in two whorls of 3 each, white. Stamens 6, anthers yellow. Capsule green, triquetrous, seeds black. Flowering and Fruiting: August–October

157 2024-08-29 11:10 Kardal, Indian Shot कर्दळ

Herbs grows up to 4 ft in height. The leaves are large, paddle shaped, spirally arranged, 60 or more long, colour ranges from green to reddish purple. Flowers are bright red to yellow, pink, orange coloured. Flower consist of three petals and three sepals. The central part is staminodes. The androecium is represented by half fertile stamen. Plant has underground rhizome which is modified stem. Fruits are small, prickly, capsules. Seeds black, glossy, round. Canna indica is widely cultivated for its ornamental value, adding a splash of color to gardens, landscapes, and floral arrangements. It is appreciated for its ease of cultivation and its ability to thrive in various conditions. The plant\'s vibrant flowers and bold foliage make it a popular choice for decorative purposes.

158 2024-09-20 16:15 Karnikar, कनक चंपा

A large tree. Bark is ash coloured. Leaves simple, palmately lobed, green, glabrous on upper surface, white hairy on lower surface. Flowers fragrant, white in colour. Fruit is woody and remains for long time on a tree.

159 2024-09-24 07:02 King’s Lantern

A climbing shrub. Stem pale yellowish, bark longitunally flacking. Leaves ovate, margins entire, lamina shallowly triangular in upper half, apex shortly acuminate, base obtuse to round. Flowers trumpate shaped, tubular, curved. Calyx white united. Corolla throat yellow, corolla claw white.

160 2024-08-26 15:29 Kosht-kulinjan

Plants are herbaceous, rhizomatous. Rhizomes are thick, knobby, and aromatic that are used for culinary and medicinal purposes. Leaves are large, 60-90 cm long and 5-10 cm wide, oblong with acute apex dark green. Flowers are yellow to white, about 3 cm long, and occur in dense panicles. Corolla has distinctly clawed lips and red throat. Flowering occurs in May and June, while fruiting occurs in August and September. Fruits are orange-red in colour. The rhizome of kulinjan is carminative, aphrodisiac, febrifuge, and bronchodilator. It expels the phlegm (mucus), improves voice, and is very useful in sore throat and respiratory congestion.  It is also used in rheumatism.

161 2024-09-24 12:44 Kumari Asav, कोरफड

The plants are native to Africa, madagascar and Arabian peninsula.The plant typically grows in a rosette form, with thick,fleshy leaves, margins toothed. Inflorescence raised on large slender stalk. Flowers orange to red, yellow inner.

162 2024-09-20 12:58 Kunti, Pandhari.

Shrubs or small evergreen trees. Leaves odd pinnate; leaflets 3-7, alternate. Flowers axillary, solitary or few flowered terminal corymbs. Petals 5, white. Ovary 2-celled, stigma capitate, 2 lobed. Berries oblong, red, 1-2-seeded.  Flowering and Fruiting: February–October   

163 2024-08-29 14:22 Kurdu कुर्डू

Plants are annual herbs, 2-3 ft in height. Stem green, grooved, branched. Leaves simple, alternate, lanceolate, apex acute, base narrowed.  Inflorescence in spike, 10-13 cm long. Flowers papery, fresh, white with pink apices, appear metallic pink.  

164 2024-09-24 07:59 Lavender Scallops

A succulent native to Madagascar, introduced in India as ornametal plant. Leaves fleshy green, glaucous, succulent, ovate.  margins crenate. It is grown as houseplant or garden cover and leaves can turn purple in direct full sunlight.

165 2024-09-17 12:33 Lemon Grass, गवती चहा

Commonly known as lemongrass, is a tropical herbaceous plant known for its aromatic, lemony flavor and scent. An intense lemon fragrance and flavour is due to the presence of essential oils, especially citronella. It can reach a height of 3 to 6 feet. The leaves grow in tufts from the base of the plant, long and slender, can be up to 2.5 cm wide and 3 feet long.

166 2024-09-20 08:20 Little Bell Morning Glory

A herbaceous low height climber. Leaves ovate to shallowly trilobed, apex acute, base cordate, leaf glabrous above, sometimes with purple blotch. Stem twinning. Flowers small, pink with dark purple throat. Stamens and stigma white. Fruit dehiscent capsule.  

167 2024-09-20 12:00 Livistona palm, Chinese Babbage palm, चायनीज फॅन पाम

A medium sized, morerate height evergreen palm. Leaves 3-6 ft. palmate, coarse textured, arching tips of leaves create graceful appeatance, petioles long, covered with brown spines along margins. Fruits are dark grey to bluish in color. It is the most commonly grown species in the gardens across world.

168 2024-09-20 07:55 Madhumalati, Haladvel, मधुमालती

A climbing shrub. Leaves coriaceous, elliptic to oblong, apex shortly acuminate, base acute, lamina strongly nerved, veins distinct on lower surface. Flowers fragrant, white. Fruits with 3 wings one is long and 2 are short.

169 2024-09-24 06:12 Mahogani Vruksha, महोगनी

A huge trees ca 50-70 ft tall. Leaves pinnately compound, leaflets 3-4 pairs, 5-15 cm long, falcate, ovate lanceolate, apex acute, base unequal, margins entire, dark dreen above. Flowers small ca 8 mm. Capsules large, woody. Seeds winged, brown.

170 2024-09-20 12:16 Mango, आंबा

It is a large, evergreen tree that can reach heights of 33 to 131 feet, depending on the variety and environmental conditions. The canopy of plant is typically dense, rounded crown with symmetrical shape. Leaves glossy green above, lighter green below, gathered at branch apices, margines inclined creating boat shape. The plant is prized for its fruits which is a drupe. Fruit varies in size, shape, colour and aroma depending on variety.

171 2024-08-29 11:13 Marijuana, भांग,

Marijuana, is a coarse, rangy annual that grows 6-12 ft in height. The leaves are palmately divided into 3-7 narrow, toothed segments. The Cannabis plant has a history of medicinal use dating back thousands of years across many cultures. Its usage in modern times is controversial.

172 2024-09-24 05:47 May flower

A bulbous herb. Leaves simple, alternate; stem and leaf stalk spotted; Flowering profusely in terminal umbels; flowers red, tubular below with 6 spreading petal-like segments, scarlet red. Produces a rosette of dark green leaves after flowering

173 2024-09-20 15:03 Ming Aralia

Polyscias Fruticosa is an evergreen shrub native to India. It can be grown indoors as well as outdoors. They are a slow-growing perennial plant. In addition, it has ornamental values. Small to medium-sized shrub, able to grow up to 3 - 5 m tall. Foliage Green leaves, mostly 3-pinnately compound, petiole measuring about 5 - 15 cm long, petiolules measuring about 1 - 5 cm long, lanceolate leaflets with toothed margins. Flowers Pale yellow to white flowers in a terminal inflorescence, a panicle of umbels.

174 2024-09-20 08:37 Mogali Erand, एरंड

A very soft wooded shrub or small tree which is native to tropical America. Leaves are palmate, angular, 3-5 lobes. Stamens yellow, connate. Seeds are brown, mottled.

175 2024-09-20 08:17 Morning glory flower, office time flower.

The plant is semiwoody climber. Stem twinning, prickly muricate. Leaves simple, cordate with round lobes at base, acuminate at apex. Inflorescence axillary, 3 - 9 flowered dichasial cymes. Flowers large, blue-purple in colour, corolla infundibuliform, white on outside and throat light yellow inside. Fruit a capsule with  with persistent stylar beak. Seeds 2-4, black.

176 2024-09-24 07:09 Moses-in-the-candle, Boat Lily

Plants are herbaceous clump forming, evergreen, perennial. Leaves are linear, green on upper side, purple on lower side. Bracts spathaceous, forming boat shaped structure, enclosing many flowers. Flowers trimerous. Petals white. Stamens filaments bearded, beard moniliform, anthers yellow.

177 2024-08-30 14:51 Motha alu

A very stout herb; rootstock suberect, large, 6-16 ft. long. Spathe 6-10 in. long, fragrant. A native of Tropical Asia, Australia, and the Pacific Islands

178 2024-08-29 10:52 Motha Dhotara, Angel’s Trumpet

This plant is native of Brazil. It is a flowering shrub or small tree. Leaves are large, alternate, ovate in shape, dark green, with wavy margin, soft or velvety indumentum present. Flowers are large, trumpet shaped, pendulous, 15-30 cm long. All parts of Brugmansia suaveolens, especially the leaves and flowers, contain alkaloids that are toxic if ingested. It can be propagated through stem cuttings, which are taken from mature plants.

179 2024-08-28 14:32 Motha Kanchan, Purple orchid tree मोठा कांचन

The native range of this species is Indian Subcontinent to Myanmar. It is a shrub or tree and grows primarily in the wet tropical biome. The leaves are larger than what is called “Sone or Apata”, leaves has peculiar butterfly shaped (bilobed). Flowers are large showy, vibrant purple of pinkish purple in color. Fruits are elongated pods. 

180 2024-09-23 21:01 Mother-in-law's Tongue, Snake Plant, Spear Plant

This plant has Ornamental Foliage. It is native to tropical West Africa. Plant displays crassulacean acid metabolism process, which allows them to withstand drought.

181 2024-09-23 19:39 Musical Note, Morning Kiss.

A small bushy shrub with small leaves. Leaves elliptic, margins dentate, acute apex, cuneate base. Flowers white, delicate, long corolla tube, buds hook shaped. They appear in large masses. The unopened flowers resemble musical notes in the bud stage - opening to showy flower with red stamens. Use as a short hedge, in small groupings or as a single specimen plant. This perfect landscape plant is very easy to grow, blooms in both full sun or shade, and tolerates some drought.

182 2024-08-28 13:59 Mysore Asystasis

A roadside small shrub in the campus of YCIS and flowers during winter months. An erect herb, 1 m tall, with quadrangular stem. Leaves are large, elliptic-oblong, pointed, suddenly narrowing long leaf stalk. Flowers are white, 2-lipped, upper lip 4-lobed, and the lower one lobed.The native range of this species is Ethiopia to S. Africa, Yemen, India. It is an annual and grows primarily in the seasonally dry tropical biome.

183 2024-09-20 13:12 Narakya, Ghanera, Amruta, नरक्या

The plants are small tree with large dark green leathery leaves. Usually leaves are crowded at the branches tips. The flowers are produced at end of branches in a flat topped inflorescence. Flowers pale yellow in color, foetid smelling, small, 5 mm across. Fruits are ellipsoid, black to purplish when ripe. The plant is over slaughtered in Northern Western Ghats for its valuate active ingredients. The stem powder was smuggled to Japan, Germany, South Korea and Spain. This drug was then marketed globally, yielding profits exceeding tenfold.

184 2024-09-24 07:51 Neesam Ginger

Rhizomatous herb. Leaves sessile, lanceolate, acuminate. Flowering Spikes comes from the ground terminating into spikes. Flower lips yellow, with purple to red dots,.

185 2024-09-20 14:09 Octopus Tree

A medium height tree with multiple shoot from base. The leaves are palmately compound, with 8-10 leaflets arising from common point. Leaves offer crown like shape to tree. Inflorescence is also showy, bears 10-12 rays of flower bearing branchlets from common point. Flowers are red turns black after fertilization.

186 2024-08-29 14:45 Oramental chlorophytum, Spider plant

It is a popular indoor plant, easy to care and appreciated for its attractive foliage. A herbaceous tuberous roots bearing plant. Leaves are narrow, long, apex acute, variegated coloured with yellow, pale strips. Leaves form arching structure. Flowers are small, white, trimerous. Inflorescence produce bulbils in flower position which again germinate and grow into new plant.

187 2024-08-28 11:44 Ornamental Arachis

A prostrate leguminous herb. It is primarily cultivated as a ground cover in tropical and subtropical regions for soil improvement, erosion control, and as a forage crop for livestock. In India it is cultivated as a lawn herb.

188 2024-09-23 19:52 Ornamental Russelia

An ornamental shrub native to  Maxico and Tropical America. Profusely branched, bushy-shrub, branched filiform, needle like, secondary branches whorled at node. Leaves scale like. Flowers tubular, red or white coloured, produced in long axillary cymes. Corolla tubular, 5 lobed. Stamens 4.

189 2024-09-24 08:03 Paddle Plant

A succulent native to Botswana, Lesotho, South Africa and Eswatini. Plant is best choice for Xeriscape gardens. Leaves are thick, fleshy, visually appealing. Flowers are tubular, yellowish. Propagates with offsets.

190 2024-08-29 11:00 Pan futi

This herbaceous succulent shrub can reach heights of up 3 ft. Leaves are characterized by a smooth, glossy texture and are fleshy in nature, with brownish crenate margins, from which the plant generates new plantlets. The lower leaves are simple, while the upper leaves are compound, typically consisting of 3 to 7 leaflets attached to elongated petioles. Adding to its charm, the plant produces attractive, bell-shaped flowers that dangle gracefully from large stalked panicles

191 2024-09-20 14:50 Pandhara Chafa

Small trees, with milky latex. Leaves alternate, oblanceolate. Flowers fragrant interminal peduncled cymes. Stamens inserted near the base of corolla tube; anthers free. Flowering & Fruiting: May-Sept.

192 2024-09-19 22:39 Pangara, Tiger’s Claw, पांगारा

A tree grows up to 20-3 ft., stem branched upwardly more than 45o, branches prickeled, bark vertically fissured. Leaves trifoliate, leaflets rhomboid, ovate, densely pubescent below. Inflorescence terminal raceme. Flowers red coloured. Corolla two lipped. Pods stalked 5-6 in long, subterete, distinctly torulose.

193 2024-08-29 11:16 Papai. पपई

Soft wooded, dioecious or rarely monoecious trees. Leaves palmi-nerved, palmatifid., often 7-9-lobed; petioles fistular. Male flower drooping in lax panicles. Female flowers subsessile, 1-few-flowered corymbs in leaf axils. Fruits oblong-ovoid, with sweet, yellow, pulp. Seeds many, black, globose. Flowering and Fruiting: Throughout year.

194 2024-08-30 14:49 Patta Ajwain

The plant is herb. Stem is green, pale purple. Leaves are thick, fleshy, succulent, ovate oblong, serrate along margin, cordate at base. Leaves, if crushed emit very strong and pleasant aroma of Jeera or Ajwain. The flowers are produced in terminal raceme. Flowers blue to lavender, two lipped corolla.Coleus aromaticus has a long history of traditional medicinal use in various cultures. It is believed to have potential health benefits, including as a remedy for coughs, colds, digestive issues, and respiratory ailments. The leaves of Coleus aromaticus are used as a flavoring agent in various cuisines, adding a distinctive and aromatic flavor to dishes.

195 2024-08-29 10:56 Peackock flower

The native range of species is from Mexico to Central America. It is a semiwoody shrub or small tree reaches up to height of 6-15 ft., displays spreading growth form. Leaves are bipinnately compound. Leaflets are oblong, glossy green. Flowers are produced in raceme. Red, yellow to orange coloured, possess crinkled petals with slender stalk. Stamens are distinct, long attracting pollinators. Fruit an elongated pod, 7.5- 15 cm. 

196 2024-08-30 15:32 Pev, Costus इन्सुलिन प्लांट

An ornamental plant used cause of its large dark green spirally arranged leaves. The flowers are white appear in late summer. Flowers are produced in four red coloured bracts. After the flowers fade away, the attractive red cone-shaped bracts remain. The large creepy object is not the petal, but the stamen - the three true petals of each flower are inconspicuous, and are almost hidden by the bell shaped stamen. ( Medicinal uses: The rhizome has been used to treat fever, rash, asthma, bronchitis, and intestinal worms. It is mentioned in the Kama Sutra as an ingredient in a cosmetic to be used on the eyelashes to increase sexual attractiveness.

197 2024-09-24 07:05 Purple Heart

An evergreen ornamental plant with trailing or climbing habit. Leaves spathaceous, purple glaucous, lanceolate. The flowering branches are suberect, flowers pink, petals three, stigma and anthers yellow.

198 2024-09-17 13:00 Rainbow Pink

A short lived ornamental plant, appreciated for its flowers. Leaves simple, opposite, linear lanceolate to linear elliptic. Flowers white, purple, pink, red, tinged or spotted, base clawed, margin lacerate to dentate. 

199 2024-08-30 15:39 Rakt Pushpa, Gadambi kanda

The plants are seasonal herbs, grows in the Western Ghats on hill slopes. Leaves are long. strap shaped, quite wide, giving the plant its specific epithet "latifolium,". The flowers are sweet fragrant, with alternate pink and white strips. Umbel possess ca 5 flowers in a bloom raised on long peduncle.

200 2024-09-20 13:45 Ran Tulas

A herb. Basal stem is woody, young stem quadrangular, purple coloured. Stem hairy along internodes. Leaves elliptic, apex acute, base tapering acute. Inflorescence terminal verticillaster, each cluster 5-7 flowered, Calyx two lipped, upper lip hairy. Corolla white in colour. Stamens projected out of corolla mouth.

201 2024-08-30 14:55 Rangoon Creeper मधुमालती

A shrub with high bloom of white, pink and red flowers is this Rangoon Creeper. Due to its heavy bloom this species has made its space as ornamental plant. The plant is popularly known among Botany peoples as Combretum indicum, is its old name. The Leaves are chartaceous, opposite to subopposite, elliptic to oblong-elliptic in shape with rounded base, finely pubescent beneath. Its flowers are fragrant with sweet, fruity aroma. 

202 2024-08-29 14:24 Ratrani रातराणी

It is also as Night Blooming jasmine is a woody shrub with simple, glossy leaves. A fully grown tree reaches up to height of 12 ft. It has greenish white coloured flowers, which are sweet scented and blooms during night. Hence the vernacular name ‘Ratrani’. This plant is native of tropical America but cultivated in tropics for its beautiful and fragrant flowers.

203 2024-09-20 08:24 Red Ixora, Flame of the woods

A shrub grows up to 5 ft. Leaves 5-8 x 3-5 cm, coriaceous, oblong, base round, apex acute. Flowers produced in corymb, bright red coloured, tubular, corolla lobes elliptic-oblong, subacute.

204 2024-09-20 08:29 Royal Jasmine, चमेली, जाई

The plant is climbing shrub. Leaves are compound opposite, leaflets lanceolate, petiolulate. Stem wiry green. Flowers are tubular, white, flat toped of 5 petals, fragrant.  

205 2024-09-23 14:43 Sankrant Vel

A scandent shrub a native of Brazil. The lower leaves are 3-foliolate, the terminal leaflet transformed into a tendril in the upper leaves. The flowers are orange-red, 5cm long, with a long corolla-tube, arranged in terminal racemes.

206 2024-09-24 07:38 Santapau’s Vigna, रान मुग, जंगली मुग, बडा मुग

An annual erect plant, growing in high altitute locations of Western Ghats. The species is endemic to the Western Ghats of India. Stem quadrangular slightly winged. Leaves trifoliate, leaflets ovate to triangular, stipules pinnae like, attached at midpoint to stem. Flowers yellow. Pods hairs, black when mature, dehiscent.

207 2024-09-20 12:21 Sapodila, चिक्कू

The native range of this species is Mexico to Colombia. An evergreen tree, reaches to height of 30-40 ft in cultivated condition. Branches and leaves exudes white sticky latex. Leaves simple, crowned at branch apices, glossy green, elliptic. Ripen fruits has shaggy skin, fruits are berry, pulp is earthy brown in colour.

208 2024-09-23 20:21 Saptarangi, Nisul Bondi, सप्तरंगी

Straggling or climbing shrub; Leaves coriaceous, elliptic-oblong, margins crenate-serrate, leaf glabrous, shiny on upper surface and dull green on lower surface. Flowers yellow; pedicel slender, small. Petals 5 pale green, membranous on margins. Anthers orange coloured, 3 in number. Fruit globular, with persistent ovary base orange coloured when ripe. Flowering and Fruiting: January–June

209 2024-09-20 08:48 Sausage tree

This tree is native to Tropical south Africa and introduced in other parts of the World as an ornamental element. To Botany enthusiast the tree is important cause its flowers are visited and pollinated by Bats during night. The flowers are hanged in a rope like stalk i.e. pedicel, flowers are fragrant and with copies nectar as a reward to bats. The mature fruits of the plant hang like a giant sausage and are non-edible for humans. 

210 2024-09-20 08:14 Scarlet Morning glory, लाल पुंगळी

A herbaceous climber. Leaves are ovate with acute apex, base cordate, margin entire or rarely lobed. Flower infundibuliform, scarlet red. Stamens and stigma prodtruding from corolla mouth. Fruits capsule. Seeds black, triangular.

211 2024-09-24 07:47 Shampoo Ginger, Wild Ginger

Rootstock large, hard, yellow inside, with strong aromatic ginger like taste. Leaves sessile, oblong, acuminate, glabrous, base narrowed. Flowering axis long, clothed with obtuse sheaths. Flowers pale yellow, bracts 2.5-3 cm long, ovate-oblong. Corolla tube 3 cm long, lobes ovate-lanceolate, lip shorter than corolla lobes, trifid. Capsules ellipsoid.

212 2024-09-19 22:47 Sher, Mottled spurge, Elkhorn

The species is native of India. It is a succulent plant reaches to height of 15 ft. Branches are triangular in cross section, studded with spines. All plant parts exude milky latex.

213 2024-09-20 15:00 Sheral

Herbs 2-5 ft. Stem branched from base. Leaves lanceolate, acuminate apex, glabrous, gland dotted, young leaves red, stipules (ochreae) truncate at mouth, enclosing the stem, withered in older leaves. Inflorescence terminal, panicled. Flowers pink, with short pedicels.

214 2024-08-29 14:13 Sickle Senna or Tora; Tarwad तरवड

Herbs, grows up to 2.5 ft in height. Grows in wasteland. Leaves are unipinnately compound, 3-10 pairs of leaflets, leaflets 2-5 cm long, oblong or lanceolate. Flowers small ca 1 cm across, yellow, axillary. Fruits cylindrical capsule, recurved, 2-4 cm long. Seeds dark brown in colour. 

215 2024-09-20 00:12 Silver Oak

Large and handsome tree native to Australia. The stem is straight and branches spreading upward at angle more or less of 45°. The leaves are pinnatisect, green above, and silver glaucous below, hence the name “Silver Oak”. The flowers are produced in clusters at end of branches. Flowers are yellow in color, tubular with copious nectar that attracts birds

216 2024-08-29 11:06 Surangi, Undi, उंडी

Trees with crooked trunks. Flowers 2-3 cm across, pure white, fragrant, in lax flowered racemes. Petals 4. Filaments united into 4-6 bundles. Style twisted, stigma mushroom shaped. Fruits globose.  Flowering and Fruiting: December–October

217 2024-09-20 13:52 Sweet Basil, सब्जा

The plant is native of India. A herb grows upto 3 ft. Stems green, 4 angled. Leaves elliptic, acute apex, cuneate base, ovate, margins entire or toothed. Flowers are purple or white. Nutlets large, highly mucilagenous when wet.

218 2024-09-24 06:50 Teak, Sagwan, Sag, सागवान, साग

Tectona grandis is native to Southeast Asia, including countries like India, Myanmar, Thailand, and Indonesia.A large, impressive tree grows to height of 40-80 ft or even taller at optimum conditions. Leaves are simple, opposite, large, coriaceous, elliptic in shape. An inflorescence is panicle. Flowers small, pale coloured, fragrant. The fruit is capsule. The most famous and economically valuable part of Teak is its wood.Teak wood is known for its durability, strength, and resistance to decay and insect damage. It has a rich golden-brown color that darkens with age and exposure to light. In India, teak plantation on commercial scale was started by Britishers. Nilambur, situated in the Malappuram District of Kerala State, holds the distinction of being the birthplace of India\'s inaugural Teak plantation, established in the 1840s.

219 2024-09-24 06:45 Tecoma, Honeysuckle

An erect shrub grows up to height of 5 ft. Leaves compound, leaflets ovate, acute apex, margins dentate. Flowers trumpate shaped, orange, bilipped. Stamens exerted out of corolla mouth.

220 2024-09-20 14:19 Tetu, Taitu

A moderate height tree, 25-40 ft. Bark with plenty lenticels. Leaves compound, large, pinnae opposite, leaflets ovate-elliptic, apex acuminate, base round or cordate. Flowers large in racemes, pink purple, mouth wide, limbs 5, undulate along margins. Perfect stamens 5. Fruits long, flat, dark brown coloured. Seeds winged.

221 2024-08-30 15:44 Thickhead, Redflower ragleaf

The plant is terrestrial, annual herb. Stem round, hollow at centre. Leaves sessile, glabrous, lyrate,  margins dentate, margin purplish. Flowers bisexual, grouped together in a terminal head of tubular flowers only, sessile, red or red-brown. Fruit an achene with pappus.

222 2024-09-19 22:50 Thorny Euphorbia

The native range of this species is Madagascar. It is a semisucculent subshrub or shrub and grows primarily in the desert or dry shrubland biome. It is used as a poison and a medicine and has environmental uses. (Source:POWO).

223 2024-09-20 12:10 Threelobe False Mallow

Erect herbs. Stems, petioles and pedicels with 4–armed appressed stellate hairs pointing up and downwards. Leaves ovate–oblong, margins coarsely serrate or dentate. Flowers solitary, axillary; epicalyx segments scattered with 4–armed stellate hairs; calyx slightly accrescent; corolla yellow, obliquely obovate. Schizocarps globular, mericarps 10–14, radially, curved.

224 2024-09-19 22:54 Thuar, Indian spurge tree

Glabrous erect branched succulent, xerophytic tree or shrub up to 20 ft or 1.8–4.5 m high with jointed cylindrical or obscurely 5-angled branches. The fresh young leaves are simple, dark green in colour having leathery texture. The surface is glabrous with reticulate venation. Fruits are looking like capsule. Style 3-fid, stigmas slightly dilated and minutely toothed. The flowers are yellowish green in colour. The latex of E. neriifolia is used in Ayurvedic formulations. Flowering and Fruiting: December–May 

225 2024-08-30 15:29 Ti Plant

Ti is a plant resembling a palm, reaching heights of up to 4.5 meters. At the apex of its slender trunk, it displays an attractive arrangement of broadly elongated leaves that resemble fans and are spirally clustered. These leaves exhibit a range of colours, from red to green, including variegated varieties. Ti is characterized as a woody plant with leaves measuring 30 to 60 cm in length and 5 to 10 cm in width at the upper part of its woody stem. Additionally, it produces panicles that are 40 to 60 cm long, bearing small, fragrant, yellowish to red flowers which eventually mature into red berries.

226 2024-09-24 06:08 Traveller’s Palm

Robust, tall arborescent herbs. Leaves distichous, closely setting, ovate-oblong, spreading. Flowers sessile, subzygomorphic, in compact monochasial cymes, each flower enclosed in a bract. Stamens 6. Capsules linear-oblong. Flowering and Fruiting: October–January Native of Madagascar, commonly cultivated in gardens. Fruit setting very rare.

227 2024-08-29 14:56 Veld Grape, हाडजोडी

It is a succulent plant native to parts of Asia and Africa. It is known for its unique four-angled stems and its traditional use in herbal medicine.Stem is 4 angled, succulent, stores water, with nodes and internodes. The stem four angles give the specific epithet "quadrangularis." Leaves are small, alternate, cordate at base, acute apex, ovate, glabrous, produce tendril from axil for climbing and support. Flowers are small, inconspicuous, green to yellow. Studies show that the Cissus quadrangularis plant may promote bone health and reduce joint pain. This herb is documented to possess a wide-ranging ethnomedicinal uses in malaria, fever, epilepsy, gout, piles, skin diseases, colic, etc.

228 2024-08-29 14:50 Wala वाळा

The name of the species has been changed as Chrysopogon zizanioides (L.) Roberty.This grass is evergreen perennial growing and reaches up to height of 5 ft. Vetiveria zizanoides is cultivated for its medicinally valued essential oil. An essesntial oils from its leaves are best source of antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial, and antifungal activities. This grass is of Indian origin. Perennial herbs. Culms tufted, subcompressed, rhizomatous. Leaf margins spinulosely serrate. Panicles oblong or oblong-elliptic, contracted; branches filiform. Sessile spikelets oblonglanceolate, awnless. Pedicelled spikelets lanceolate.

229 2024-09-20 14:46 Water Lettuce

Stoloniferous free floating herbs. Leaves oblong-obovate, sessile on close spirals, retuse, very pubescent. Flowers unisexual, separated by neuters in spadix. Spathes yellowishwhite. Male flowers creamy-yellow. Female flower solitary at the base of spadix.

230 2024-09-19 23:18 Weeping fig, Benjamin fig

An ornamental plant reaching up to height of 30 ft, pruned plants are maintained to various height. The branches are drooping. The leaves are glossy green, smooth, ovate, lanceolate with wedge shaped leaf base. 

231 2024-09-24 08:30 Wild crabgrass, Bamboo grass

Tufted annual grass. Leaf sheath keeled, with hairs, margins crinckled. Inflorescence with 4-12 spreading racemes, rachis triangular, spikelets lanceolate, lower glume margins hairy.

232 2024-09-19 22:43 Wild Poinsettia, दुधी

Herbs, annual, erect. Leaves, broadly elliptic or obovate, upper surface glabrous, lower hairy. Inflorescence of terminal branched cymes. Capsules 3-celled. Seeds grey.

233 2024-09-24 12:58 Yellow Shrimp plant

A perennial shrub. Flowers during February. Leaves lanceolate, hairs, margins entire, apex acute. Inflorescence apical, pendent raceme. Flowers white, two lipped, anthers yellow protruding at mouth. Bracts showy yellow, orbicular. 

234 2024-09-24 13:15 Yellow Trumpet, Yellow Bell

Plants are shrubs, adaptive to varied soil and climatic conditions. Leaves compound, oppsite; leaflets lanceolate, apex acute, margins dentate. Flowers yellow, corolla tubular trumpate shaped, gamopetalous of 5 petals, tube with orange veins inside. Fruits long linear capsule, crowded at apices. Seeds winged, wings white, hyaline.

235 2024-09-24 13:01 Zebra Plant

A popular houseplant known for its striking foliage. Leaves large, oval to elliptical in shape with unique zebra-like pattern on the upper surface, lower leaf surface purple. Plant grows from rhizomes..
