Arceus, known as the "Original One," is a Legendary Pokémon
from Generation IV, celebrated for its role as the creator of the Pokémon
universe. With a height of 3.2 meters and a weight of 320 kg, Arceus is often
depicted as a majestic, horse-like figure adorned in a brilliant white hue. Its
design features a halo-like ring around its body and four golden appendages
resembling a wheel, symbolizing its divine nature and connection to creation.
According to Pokémon lore, Arceus emerged from an egg in a void and
subsequently shaped the universe, bringing forth Legendary Pokémon such as
Dialga, Palkia, and Giratina, each embodying fundamental aspects of
reality—time, space, and antimatter. Arceus possesses the unique ability called
Multitype, enabling it to
change its type based on the Plate or Z-Crystal it holds, making it
extraordinarily versatile in battles.
Arceus is often portrayed as a deity within the Pokémon mythos,
representing balance and the cosmos. Its captivating design and profound lore
have made it a central figure in many Pokémon games, manga, and movies,
solidifying its status as one of the most iconic and revered Pokémon in the